Feb 11, 2008

Conference on Social Enterprise in Hong Kong April 2006

The objective of the Conference is to enhance public understanding on social enterprise and promote discussion and sharing on the sustainable development of social enterprises in Hong Kong. Successful social entrepreneurs and experts on social enterprise development from both Hong Kong and overseas would share their experience with the audience. An exhibition on social enterprises in Hong Kong, covering their social purpose, characteristics and experience etc. is also held.

The Conference aims to attract successful social entrepreneurs, leading personalities from the business, academic, non-governmental and government sector who all share the zeal to search for sustainable solutions to help the less advantaged in our community.

There is no common definition of social enterprises. The U.K. definition is -

“A business with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximize profit for shareholders and owners.”

(Social Enterprise – A strategy for success,
U.K. Department of Trade and Industry, 2002:7)

Objective of promoting social enterprise
To help the unemployed to move from welfare to self-reliance. While not underestimating the limitations for social enterprises to flourish in Hong Kong, they offer work opportunities in a real-work environment and help prepare the less competitive to transit to work in the open labour market. Some offer the possibility of direct job creation and permanent employment opportunities.


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