Jul 21, 2008

He Ping and International Fund for China’s Environment (IFCE)-Washington DC

The International Fund for China’s Environment (IFCE) is an international environmental organization based in WashingtonDC, with branch offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Wuhan. Founded in 1996 by a group of scientists and professionals concerned with China’s environmental problems, IFCE aims to ensure a healthy global environment and continued economic development by helping China solve its environmental problems.

Since its founding, IFCE has developed a range of influential programs facilitating partnerships and building capacity in China’s environmental movement. Specifically, we work with companies and other NGO’s to improve China’s access to green information technology, with policy makers to influence China’s environmental policy, and with grassroots environmental organizations and environmental education programs to improve Chinese peoples’agency in the environmental movement.

In 2002, IFCE was named one of several significant global environmental organizations by the United Nations. IFCE has been able to play a significant role in protecting the environment because of its numerous experts in the natural and social sciences. Our staff not only have a profound understanding of Chinese culture, they also have many professional connections within China.

Our Objectives:

  1. Promote the development, use, and popularity of new environmental technologies in China.
  2. Facilitate bilateral and multilateral cooperation among NGOs, governments, and corporations in solving environmental problems.
  3. Influence government actions on environmental restoration and resource conservation programs.
  4. Develop a program for public environmental education.
  5. Contribute to an increasing global awareness of the interrelations between environmental problems and human well-being.

Please contact us at:
2421 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20037-1718
TeL 202-822-2141, 703-222-1280
Fax 202-457-0908
Email: ifce-adm@cox.net

IFCE-Beijing Office (Mr. Michael Zhao)
Suite 1005, Huixin Building
#8 Beichen East Road, Chao Yang District
Beijing 100101, China
Phone: 8610- 84974540.
Fax: 8610-65307918
E-mail: ifcechina@gmail.com

IFCE-Shanghai Office (Ms. Jane Ye)
Suite 3502,building 4,
88 Huichuan Road,
Shanghai, China 200042
Tel. +86-21-52738396
Fax. +86-21-52725792
Email: jye@easen-china.com

Ping He is the founding president of the International Fund for China’s Environment (IFCE) based in Washington,D.C., coordinating IFCE’s activities in public relations, fundraising and project development since 1996. He has developed cooperative relationships with international environmental and conservation organizations and programs, US and Chinese government agencies, NGOs and the private sector. In 2002, he helped organize three caucus meetings for Chinese NGOs at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa. He launched the bi-annual NGO Forums on International Environmental Cooperation in China in 1999. He also chaired the international conference on “China Environmental Reform and Strategic Alliance” in Beijing in 2000 and “New Environmental Technology International Conference 2001” in Hangzhou, China. A Chinese citizen and permanent resident of the U.S., he holds a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison.